The software and related documentation are provided 'As is', without warranty of any kind.
The author disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of design, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose. The author does not warrant that the functions contained in the software or documentation will meet your or any requirements, or that the operation of the software will be error-free, complete, or that defects in the software or documentation will be corrected.

Under no circumstances shall the author or any other party be liable for any lost revenue or profits or any incidental, indirect, special, or consequential damages that result from the use or inability to use this software or related products or documentation, even if the author has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

For comments and suggestions:

  1. To install : Download the program, store it in a folder and run it.
  2. To uninstall: Delete the program or the folder in which you stored it.
  3. This is a simple and small program of approx 38 kbyte. That is all !
  4. It does NOT touch or alter the windows registry.
  5. It does NOT need additional DLL's.

If you read this then you are not skared off thus:

I accept the software 'As is' and download the latest version here.
