
  • Barcode scanner
    The barcode scanner uses the search function within Cashregister to find the item. The search function is activated by clickking on field Item. If the barcode is found then automatically the item with a quantity of 1 is added to the receipt. If the item is not found the sound specified with sound_item_not_found, in preferences.txt, is played and a "Not found" message is displayed. Click "Ok".
    Optional you can then assign the barcode to an item by first selecting Menu "File" menu item "Assign barcode to item" and second click on the item in the item selector.
    The barcode is optional, per item, see pricelist.csv

  • Receipt printer
    - it came without printer driver ? Install it as "Generic / Text Only".
    - Epson: drivers can be downloaded from, registration is free.
    - Some printers have dip-switches, read the manual.
      The Epson TM-220 needed "Auto line feed" set to OFF and "Buffer condition" set to ON.
    - when using a receipt printer (40-columns wide per line) do not forget to set
      the LEFT and RIGHT MARGINS to 0.0 (menu "Printer setup") to get the maximum printer width, and
      increase receipt_fontsize, in preferences.html, to zoom in on the receipt preview.
    - example of preferences.txt as used with the TM-220, 40-columns wide per line

  • Receipt number
    Don't forget to update the receipt_prefix and reset the actual_receipt_number in preferences.txt
    at the end of the year/beginning of the new year.

  • Tax increases or decreases during the year
    - rename the year folder into another name. Example: "2005" becomes "2005_old_tax"
    - adjust taxclasses.txt
    - adjust pricelist.csv with a spreadsheet to correct prices (?)
    Ready !!
    Cashregister.exe will create a new folder "2005" and the solds files in "2005" will contain the adjusted tax.

  • Not used tax class
    Taxclasses are numbered 1..5 . Use one of these taxclasses as the 0 % tax class. You can use any number outside the range 1..5 but it will result in a warning "No tax class".

  • Make backup's
    Make a daily, weekly or monthly backup of the folder in which you have installed Cashregister.
    The harddisk in your computer may crash or stop functioning and you loose a day, a month or a year of data.

  • ZIP files
    Download a freeware version from (approx 850 kbyte)

  • Spreadsheet
    Download a freeware office suite from (approx 77 Mbyte)
    available in many languages.
    Open Office handles csv files better the Exel, specially text colums. Set the first and last column as type 'text' and you will not have any problems.

    The regional and language options of your computer may cause a conflict between Spreadsheet
    and cashregister. Cashregister uses a decimal dot in numbers !! The pricelist.csv may use the comma as field seperator (not preferred).

    If your internet connection is to slow then try to buy them on CD from see under "Windows Software"

  • ClientServer.exe testprogram
    - what is a client/server ?
    - your firewall may block the program. Norton NIS does !
    - Imagine a port number as a postbox number and server IpAddress as unique location on earth
    - the server runs on a unique location and waits for a client to connect to its postbox
    - the client, at any location, must connect to the server at server postbox and location
    - ClientServer.exe plays both client and server side, just start it twice
    - running it as server & client on the same computer: the IpAddress of the server is
    - the server must only know its 'postbox number': the port number, 6000 or more is just fine
    - the client needs the IpAddress and port of the server, something like
    - running it over a network depends where the server is, something like
    - Search the internet on how to setup a secure home network or check -

